Par pascal1jauffrit – le 12/12/11 à 12h58Informations

pour le WORLD MIND , les nouvelles règles sont mises en application.

Scoring system
Players are playing unlimited number of games till first victory.
Score depends on moment of victory:
1st game gives result → 12:0, 2nd game → 9:3, 3rd game → 8:4, 4th or next … 7:5
Every game – rate of play is shorter!
main(standard) game:
1. 1st game 1h20'+1' per move
tie-breaks( rules as in Annex VI ):
2. 2nd game 20' + 5” per move
3. 3rd game 5'+3” per move
4. for all next → 5'+2” (for unlimited number of games)

1 Alexander Georgiev ru gmi 30 pts
2 Alexander Getmansky ru gmi 18 pts
3 Roberts Misans lv mi 17 pts
4 Dul Erdenebileg mn gmi 17 pts
5 Pim Meurs nl gmi 16 pts
6 Zhou Wei cn 2001 10 pts


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